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miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

El Museo Metropolitano de Arte regala 375 libros de arte para descargar en PDF

by CienciayEspiritu
Les recomiendo que guarden esta dirección y que con tiempo vayan mirando todo el catálogo y que abran el libro antes en Google book para que lo vean y si les parece interesante, después lo puedan descargar, en verdad hay libros muy interesantes, aquí dejo la dirección


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"The 1688 Paradise Lost and Dr. Aldrich": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 6 (1972)
Boorsch, Suzanne
20th-Century Art: A Resource for Educators
Paul, Stella
82nd & Fifth
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Abbot Suger and Saint-Denis
Gerson, Paula Lieber, ed.
"About Mäda": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 40 (2005)
Baetjer, Katharine
"About the Sequence of the Tapestries in The Hunt of the Unicorn and The Lady with the Unicorn": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 17 (1982)
Nickel, Helmut
"About the Sword of the Huns and the 'Urepos' of the Steppes": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 7 (1973)
Nickel, Helmut
"Abraham Lincoln: The Man (Standing Lincoln): A Bronze Statuette by Augustus Saint-Gaudens": Metropolitan Museum Journal, v. 48 (2013)
Tolles, Thayer
Abstract Expressionism: Works on Paper. Selections from The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Messinger, Lisa Mintz
Abstract Expressionism and Other Modern Works: The Muriel Kallis Steinberg Newman Collection in The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Tinterow, Gary, Lisa Mintz Messinger, and Nan Rosenthal, eds.
"The Abstract Expressionists": The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 44, no. 3 (Winter, 1986–1987)
Thaw, Eugene Victor
The Academy of the Sword: Illustrated Fencing Books 1500–1800
LaRocca, Donald J.

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