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domingo, 14 de abril de 2013

Venezuela Electoral Council Says All Voting Tables are Open

All electoral tables in Venezuela are now functioning, according to an announcement made by Sandra Oblitas, rector of the National Electoral Council (CNE), a little after 10 a.m.

She said the process has proceeded with normalcy and there have been no incidents to report.

For her part, CNE President Tibisay Lucena called on the population to exercise their right to vote in peace, tranquility, and with full confidence that their votes will counted.

Speaking on the program “José Vicente Hoy” on the private channel Televen, Lucena called on the country to stand firm and isolate those who are anti-democratic.

“The conviction expressed by Venezuelans through the vote is large and clear. Political actors should adhere to the voice of voters who say: we want to resolve our differences in peace and tranquility,” she said.

“We give the results at the end of the day, we want to see a lot of participation. We call on those who are still in their houses to go out and vote in peace, tranquility, and with the confidence that their votes will be carefully counted,” she said.
AVN / Press – Venezuelan Embassy US/ April 14, 2013

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